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VIDEO: G. Kirsberg speech in Helsinki 10.09.2016.

Here is my speech in an Fortress Europe anti-immigratsion demonstration in Helsinki (Vuosaari) 10. September 2016. The articulation and performance are not the best, but the speech itself is written below. The video begins with the music of famous finnish compositor Jean Sibelius. Then I will also show the frames of the black mask wearing antifas (soldiers of peace) who are app. 150 metres away from us with their quite pitiable demo (0:55-2:40). My speech begins at 2:40.

My speech:

I have been working as a maritime anti-piracy security guard in the Indian Ocean region for almost four years. This has enabled me to visit quite a many Islamic countries which are located in this region. Some experiences are negative, because some of the Islamic world is quite backward, but some are positive, based on observation of some highly developed Islamic countries. The United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait have some of the best living standards in the world.

It is interesting to explore the causes for this stark contrast. It is especially interesting to learn why some fundamentally Islamic societies have no problem with terrorism, while Europe, with our Christian heritage, is plagued by Islamic terror.

The differences in living standards of various Islamic countries are obviously based on the differences in their oil resources, but there are also other factors at play. One of these is their immigration policy. For example, currently 80 percent of the inhabitants of the Emirates are made up of migrant workers, whereas only 20 percent are natives - the citizens of the country. The citizens maintain total control and the foreigners clearly understand their status. The migrant workers are granted all the basic human rights, but they have no say in the politics or policies of their host country. There is no path for citizenship for foreigners in the Emirates, because the Emirates, like the other GCC states, are not signatories of the UN 1951 Refugee Conventions. They are not legally obliged to accept refugees or grant them citizenship. The rulers of Emirates are not cruel. They do provide some support for refugees, but no one will ever get the chance to become a parasite in their homeland or to establish ghettos of foreign refugees, as has happened in Europe. By the way, the Emirates send quite a many asylum seekers to us.

The GCC states completely control their migrants, even though they are heavily outnumbered by them. This clearly demonstrates that it is possible for determined citizens to control their own country. It also brings into question the inability of the European countries to control the invasion of migrants into our countries, as well as our inability to maintain order among our migrants. The percentage of Muslims living in the EU countries is quite a small, about 3 to 6 percent of the whole population, but the social problems they are causing are huge.

The inflow of refugees we are facing today is better characterized as the third wave of Islamic invasion of Europe. About 90 percent of the real refugees never leave their country, they remain as internal refugees. We, however, receive, under the label of refugees, migrants sent to us by human traffickers, who feel that they are entitled to lay claim to the resources produced by our labor, among whom are many parasites, criminals and sluggards. Our leftist politicians are not taking corrective action. Instead, they are calling for more of the same. They are actually aiding and abetting the human traffickers. It adds insult to injury, that they are carrying out their misguided policies at our expense.

The goal of the ongoing Islamic invasion is to take over Europe and then the world. This is clearly stated by the ISIS leaders, who use atrocities and terror to establish their caliphate. The invaders start by exploiting our societies economically. They continue by increasing their political power, which they are able to do with the help of our leftists, misguided leaders. The final goal is prescribed by the Quran - to exterminate all nonbelievers.

We have now been forced to live for a decades under the persistent leftist brainwash, that forces on us literal acceptance of every paragraph of the Refugee Conventions. The outright lies and brainwashing concerning Islam and multi-culti has reached the level previously achieved only under Stalinist soviet regime. The demagogues of the left try to convince us that multi-culturalism enriches our society. To most of us it is quite clear that it leads instead to decline in our security and living standards. So far our governments have not taken any steps to abolish their misguided asylum laws or to tighten the requirements for citizenship. The biggest mistake our leftist governments have ever made was to grant citizenship to the migrants, especially to the Muslim invaders. We are being told that we must accept the newcomers into our home as they are. This is nonsense. Anyone who wants to be accepted by us, should accept the culture on which our societies are based.

There is nothing in Islam we are obligated to accept or respect. We, as sensible people whom Muslims call non-believers, do not have to and should not accept the tales of the illiterate founder of their religion who claimed that archangel Gabriel revealed to him how the world must be organized. Based on these strange revelation hundreds of millions of backward people from the Islamic world, who are not capable to building a normal society for themselves, think they have the right to invade our countries and demand that we must accept them. Our leftist leaders are apparently easily intimidated - they try to prevent more rational, less easily intimidated people from telling the truth about Muslims and their religion.

There is only one thing in the Islam world that is worth for us to respect and to emulate. It is their sensible immigration and citizenship policy. I urge that we establish this policy also for Europe - before it becomes too late for us to control our own destiny.

If you wish to help us to grow that we can protect Your Euope then donate to a snti-immigration and anti-islamisation NGO International SIS

MTÜ International SIS MTÜ International SIS

IBAN: EE947700771001633116 (LHV) IBAN: EE947700771001633116 (LHV)


NGO International SIS (part of the Fortress Europe) has already visited next places to participate in the demonstration or to build a friendship relations:

14. November 2015 Helsinki

23. January 2016 Prague 12-14. May 2016 Praegue 7-10. July 2016 Wroclaw (Poland) 20-22 July 2016 Brussels 5-7 August 2016 Bululgatia

10. September 2016 Helsinki

Upcoming Events:

3. October 2016. big demonstration in Dresden (Germany)


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