Some thoughts over the islam
Please don't start to blame me about racism, arrogance and blindness. I am very well aware that in the medieval times the islamic world...
VIDEO: "Refugees" in Germany
Filmed in Germany when "refugees" marching in the city. German ladies behind the camera are quite scared.
VIDEO: Air Attacks in Syria
Filmed by the muslims. You can hear they are always screaming Allahu Akbar. Ofcourse interesting to know who filmed and why Allahu Akbar...
VIDEO: Ühed naljakad inimesed :)
Kui keegi peaks teadma, mida need inimesed teevad, siis palun teada anda :) If someone should know what these people are doing, then...
VIDEO: Esimene ISISe saksakeelne video
Klikates pildil suunatakse sind FB lehele, kus näed esimest saksa keelset ISIS videot. See on eksklusiivne materjal. Kõigepealt...
Vao küla ja pagulaspesa 19.06.2015
19. juunil 2015. käisin siis koos ühe vapra neiuga Vao külas olukorda uurimas. Reis oli ilus, sõitsime läbi Eestimaa kauniste paikade,...